MC2 Magazine

ISS 32

The Independent American Magazine for all Mini Owners

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5HPRYH WKH EROWV VHFXULQJ WKH LQWHUFRROHU brackets. 5HPRYH WKH EROWV WKDW KROG WKH YDOYH cover to the cylinder head. 14. I used Simple Green degreaser to give the valve cover a good cleaning. 8VH D ÁDWKHDG VFUHZGULYHU WR SXVK WKH ROG 5HPRYH WKH EUDFNHW EHKLQG WKH IXHO UDLO 10. Loosen this bracket for access to the bolt on the front driver’s side of the valve cover. I did not remove it, I just removed 2 of the 3 bolts and rotated it until I had clearance to the valve cover bolt. grommets out from the backside. Gently tap the screwdriver with a hammer, working your way around in a circle until they “pop” out. ,QVHUW WKH QHZ JURPPHW LQWR SODFH SUHVVLQJ 5HPRYH WKH EROW IRU WKH VHQVRU RQ WKH IURQW passenger side of the valve cover and pull it out. 5HPRYH WKH YDOYH FRYHU EULQJLQJ LW RXW from the rear and tilting it up for clearance. it in evenly around the hole,. Use the hammer to gently tap them cleanly into place. 7. Squeeze the clamp for the vent hose located at the front driver’s side of the valve cover and remove the hose. 12. Clean the edges of the cylinder head where the gasket comes into contact with it. 17. Insert the new gasket in the valve cover channel, starting at one end and work your way around. 5HPRYH WKH IRXU EROWV IRU WKH FRLO SDFN 13. Cover the valve train with a clean rag while you clean the valve cover and install the new gasket/grommets. 7KH YDOYH FRYHU ZLWK WKH QHZ JDVNHW DQG grommets in place. Issue 32 MC2 Magazine 41

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