MC2 Magazine

ISS 32

The Independent American Magazine for all Mini Owners

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7KH 0HJDQ 5DFLQJ ([KDXVW LQ SRVLWLRQ WR replace the rusting factory system. 7KH 0HJDQ PXIÁHU RFFXSLHV VLJQLÀFDQWO\ OHVV VSDFH WKDQ WKH VWRFN PXIÁHU 7KH ÀQDO VWHS LQ LQVWDOODWLRQ LV FODPSLQJ RI WKH SUH RLOHG DLU ÀOWHU HOHPHQW 2. The most stubborn fasters will likely be the WZR ÁDQJH QXWV DWWDFKLQJ WKH H[KDXVW SLSH WR the rear of the cat. 7KH IDFWRU\ LQVWDOOHG DLU ER[ WDNHV XS D VLJQLÀFDQW DPRXQW RI XQGHU KRRG UHDO HVWDWH 1RWH WKH DQJOH RI WKH OHIW VWUXW UHWDLQLQJ stud. Some strut tower reinforcement is in order! 7KH UHVRQDWRU H[KDXVW SLSH DWWDFKHG WR WKH SUHVVHG VWHHO EUDFNHW 6L[ EROWV ZLOO DIÀ[ WKH assembly to the underside of the MINI. 10. The installation of the M7 brace requires the removal of the battery cover to make it ÀW RQ QRQ VXSHUFKDUJHG 0,1,V 7KH PRXQWLQJ VWUDS IRU WKH VWRFN PXIÁHU LV UHPRYHG WR PDNH ZD\ IRU WKH QHZ PXIÁHU Only red colored mounting points will be UHWDLQHG WR PRXQW 0HJDQ PXIÁHU 7KH VWXUG\ KDPPHUWRQH ÀQLVKHG D)H shield attaches at factory air and battery box locations. 11. The M7 strut tower brace is a very sturdy unit with removable center sections to allow for maintenance and repair. Issue 32 MC2 Magazine 39

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