MC2 Magazine

ISS 29

The Independent American Magazine for all Mini Owners

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Page 40 of 67

4. The “let’s get started” layout of the template. Make sure to carefully measure WKH FRQÀJXUDWLRQ DQG DGMXVW DFFRUGLQJ WR material used and the rubber topper that forms the seal against your hood/bonnet. 1. A few rudimentary tools and a modicum of engineering skill are all that’s needed to do the job. 3DLQW WKH DLU ER[ WR JLYH LW D ÀQLVKHG ORRN and protect it from rust. We chose red for the exterior and black for the inside. 5. The template is folded into the basic FRQÀJXUDWLRQ WKDW WKH VKHHW PHWDO ZLOO WDNH DQG D DSSUR[ LQFK KROH LV FXW IRU WKH ÀOWHU LQOHW 9. You’ll need to reposition the positive battery hookup. Ron had a template for a backet to do this easily. 2. For a total of $20 at theCharlotte Motor Speedway swap-meet. Ron got a crazy hat, VRPH FODPSV 0,1, EDGJH DQG WKH DLU ÀOWHU At $12 the hat was the most expensive item. Badge was $2, clamps were 59 cents and the ÀOWHU ZLWK LQOHW KRXVLQJ ZDV 6. You can use a box cutter knife to remove the back wall plastic on the inner fender well, so cold air can enter the box, but a Dremel tool makes the job easier. :LWK ER[ LQVWDOOHG ÀW WKH DLU ÀOWHU

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